Welcome from the Head of Upper School

We hope that this website does full justice to the fantastic achievements of the students of the Upper School of St Catherine’s of whom we are justifiably proud.

Most commonly the term ‘achievement’ in a school is associated with attainment in the form of assessment and examination results and most certainly you will see that the learning of our students, that is nurtured by stimulating and contemporary teaching of a curriculum that sets high expectations, has led to academic achievements and subsequent university and college placements that places us amongst the most successful British international schools.

However the website also reflects those other achievements where students challenge themselves in arenas beyond the safety of the classroom or the comfort of their bedrooms. So as you browse these pages please also reflect on how much the students will have grown and found fulfilment through their accomplishments on the stage, sports field, debating hall or mountainside and how their social conscience, intercultural understanding and compassion are being developed by challenging themselves to help make the world a better place through volunteerism and the support of charitable endeavours.

Enjoy this taste of life in the Upper School!


Dr Stuart Bond

Deputy Head and Head of Upper School 


Dr Stuart Bond, Deputy Head &
Head of Upper School


 James Soumilas, Deputy Head of Upper School

James Soumilas,
Deputy Head of Upper School

Universities & Careers

Click the button below to see the Universities & Careers page.