St. Catherine's is Going Green

A message from the Headmaster

I am absolutely delighted to see how the Go Green initiative is now really taking off at St Catherine’s! The Lower School Eco-Council has long been a driver for change in the school and there is no doubt that the “Greta Thunberg Effect” is now influencing our older students as well. It is also true that our new development project is also creating real opportunities to address some fundamental environmental and sustainability issues at the heart of our school of the future.

The pupils responded in fantastic fashion to the “Go Green” poster competition, with the winning entries featured around the school. The introduction of the new water dispensers at the end of last year have also been greeted with real enthusiasm and are the first stage of my promise that St Catherine’s will be plastic bottle free by the time we move into the new building!

And what an absolutely amazing Reception Summer Show we witnessed– “Commotion in the Ocean” demonstrated how engaged our whole school community is with this vital initiative: fabulous costumes and back-drops made by the parents, superb musical and dramatic choreography by the staff and, of course, inspiring performances from the pupils.

So I encourage you to get involved in any way you can – every little helps to make a huge impact! The future of our children and future generations depend on it.

It is our collective and individual responsibility to preserve and tend to the world which we all live in.

― Dalai Lama